
Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free?

Yes. TwiDropper will not charge you for this service.

Is it safe?

Yes, TwiDropper is safe. It will not Tweet or send DMs without your permission.

Do I need to log in to Twitter from TwiDropper?

Public Tweets
No login is required. However, if you log in, the usage restrictions will be relaxed.
Private Tweets
Login is required; the TwiDropper app only requires Twitter read permissions.
Login is required; the TwiDropper app requires Twitter read, write, and DM permissions.

Where can I find the media I downloaded on my iPhone?

By default, the files are saved in the “Files” app → “iCloud Drive” → “Downloads”.
To change the download location, go to “Settings” app → “Safari” → “Downloads”.

GIFs are being saved as MP4 videos. Can't I save them as GIF files?

They cannot be saved as GIF files because they have been converted to MP4 videos inside Twitter.

Does TwiDropper support mixed media in a single Tweet?

It will support them in near future.

Will the owner of the media be notified when I save it?

No notification.

Can I save videos, GIFs, and images from private accounts?

Yes. However, you need to log in to TwiDropper with the Twitter account that follows the private account.

How do I save videos, GIFs, and images from private accounts?

You cannot copy the link of a private Tweet from the app, so please enter the username of the private account.

Does TwiDropper support group DMs?

Not supported.

Does TwiDropper support voice DMs?

Not supported.

My old DM videos are not showing up. Why?

Due to the specifications of the Twitter API, only direct messages from the past 30 days will be displayed.

What is Dropbox?

Dropbox is an online storage service that allows you to have your own personal file storage space on the Internet by signing up for a free membership.

Can I copy a video saved in Dropbox to my iPhone?

Yes. Open the saved video from the Dropbox app and tap “Share” → “Export File” → “Save Video”.

What should I do if I get the message "Could not communicate" after tapping "Dropbox"?

After tapping “Dropbox”, the Dropbox page should open in a separate tab from TwiDropper. In addition, please do not close the TwiDropper tab.